Wednesday 4 January 2012

The Tao of Badass

The Tao of Badass - Is it Useful?

The book by Josh Pellicer is called The Tao of Badass and the only question that comes to mind is, does this program really work?  I've reviewed the course, I will uncountably say yes.  Stop being unhappy with the type and number of women in your life.  You can easily do something about this.  Start by reading the rest of this article.

Here is my short Tao of Badass review so keep reading soon you'll have the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision.  Let's go.

To begin with, this book is really easy to read.  It’s not convoluted, challenging and laced with jargon.  It’s simple and straight to the point.  Many books are based around one or two central concepts.  The remainder being filler, not really "need to know" stuff.  Not in this case.  Each of the 10 sections of the book are crucial in helping you develop into the type of person you want to be.

It’s funny because The Tao of Badass not only relates to being successful with women, but being successful in other areas of life as well.  This program can help you improve your confidence and dramatically change your perspective on life and as a result, will see more benefits than just waking up to someone new every other morning.  What I'm saying is, having more women in your bed is great… But you'll probably wind up getting more out of this than you first thought.

Chapter 2 is absolutely awesome.  Joshua begins the book with gender roles and for me and a lot of other guys this was a real eye opener.  After I finished reading it, I re-read it.  From there I started thinking about all my experiences and how the masculine and feminine roles and energy play such a crucial role.  A role I never paid any attention to until now.  Definitely grab Josh's book.  Improving yourself is an important part of life - it's definitely worth it.
Attraction - You + Her

When it comes to confidence you'll hear a lot of guru's say stuff like "just be yourself."  They hardly ever examine confidence at a deeper level and provide practical ways to help you boost it.  Josh takes it and breaks it down in a easy to understand way, you'll have nothing left in your mind except "I get it."  And that's the goal of the program - clear communication.  Use the exercises and apply what Josh recommends, it will make a huge change in your life.

Now unlike the “be yourself” approach, The Tao of Badass is a clear strategically designed system.  Each phase of the system has several steps.  Everything is well lay'd out and straight forward.  Every phase of the attraction model has its purpose and common sticking points are addressed to help you if you're stuck along the way.  For example, why you can't get the kiss even though she appears to like you.  There's going to be a few “A-Ha” moments… that's what we're looking for.

In parallel with confidence, picking up women has a lot to do with body language.  In other words, how you project yourself.  There's no waiting or sugar coating things, you find out quickly exactly what you need to know to present yourself in the most attractive way possible.  And this isn’t a joke.  Approaching in a self-assured way with great posture, slow movement and a powerful voice will yield you considerably better results than approaching in a closed off and quiet manor.

One con, if you want to call it that, to Josh Pellicers The Tao of Badass is that he doesn't cover humor .  Humor is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to dating and meeting new women.  Don't worry though, humor is only five percent of it.  The remaining ninety five percent is done for you in this manual.  You have more concepts, ideas, and techniques to be extremely successful with women - more so than you thought possible.